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The Importance of a
Well-Designed Staff Room

Teaching is arguably one of the most important and rewarding careers to embark on, with the ability to enhance the future prospects of children across the United Kingdom. Yet the nature of the job can be extremely challenging and stressful, placing an immeasurable pressure on staff members. This pressure can have significant effects and the status quo reveals that many teachers do not feel entirely supported in their careers. Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, has even stressed the wellbeing of school employees in their new framework, in order to check that sufficient and preventative measures are implemented. Thus, creating a well-designed staff room has never been such a prevalent issue and is crucial in order to maintain a happy and healthy school environment.

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It goes without saying that teachers are required to work extremely hard both inside and outside of the classroom. It is therefore important that they have a space they can retire to in order to allow themselves a break from work. In an otherwise highly pressured environment, the staff room can be seen as a sanctuary. Creating a consistent break schedule and space where teachers can relax will in turn reap many benefits. They will be less likely to experience a burn out and will work more efficiently. This will simultaneously be advantageous for students, as the teachers are more likely to conduct engaging and exciting lessons.

Not only will teachers experience personal benefits from a well-designed staff room, it is also more likely to assist in building a strong team and a community amongst staff members. If the staff room is attractive and serves its purpose well, teachers are more likely to spend time there. In doing so, they will have the opportunity to socialise and create networks of friendships within the school. Creating a community amongst the staff is invaluable, as the career can be demanding. However, if teachers experience this hardship, having a well-designed staff room creates a safe space where they can confide in their colleagues and it prioritises their mental wellbeing.

If the senior management team efficiently design the staff room, it will reveal that they are considerate towards teachers and value their hard work. Morale is guaranteed to be boosted amongst the school and overall teachers are more likely to enjoy their careers. They will offer a better standard of teaching and be more inspired in contributing to a happy and thriving school environment.

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